Group 6 had a very nice presentation about verification in journalism. They surprised the class by using candy as an object lesson. We all took some of the candy, assuming it came from the group, when really we had no idea where it came from. As journalists, we must be active in all aspects of life, even when it comes to accepting a kit-kat from an unknown source.
“For all you (we) knew, there could’ve been razor blades in the candy.” –Group 6 member.
I absolutely love the new goal that group 6 presented which was, “Instead of OBJECTIVITY… aim for thoroughness, accuracy, fairness, and transparency.” The reason I like this so much is because it is impossible for a journalist, or any person for that matter, to be completely objective and unbiased. Personally, I believe that it makes the stories that much better when there is something that people can identify personally with or feel passionate about. Although it is essential that people are not promoting their own cause, it is impossible to be completely objective. This goal presents a much more realistic aim. With this in mind, it is most important to be transparent. In this, journalists must also be truth SEEKERS rather than truth PRESENTERS. There is a difference between stumbling upon information and actively seeking the truth. Sounds like a trend to me! One thing I really felt from group 6 was that it is essential to be proactive if we want to be successful as journalists. Below is a link to a YouTube video in which the founder of Wikileaks, which could be considered the modern form of muckraking…
After watching that video, I stumbled across a “Rap News” video about the same topic, which presented Wikileaks with a twist, white-boy rap. Check it out: