I found this past weeks’ presentations more interesting than usual. I liked the topic, because there are not necessarily black and white rules for everything when it comes to ethics. This caused a debate, even in our class of students with similar morals and religious beliefs. I found an interesting book addressing something that we briefly touched on, and that was sensitivity during war. In this article, it talks about how journalists had to become more careful in their reporting as the Rwandan genocide became more and more disastrous. They had to take a step back and ask themselves if they were treating the people as human beings, or just as another story to print. http://www.i-m-s.dk/files/publications/CSJ%20Background%20Paper%20(24%20january%202011).pdf Group B also did a nice job of helping the class to understand just how difficult ethics can be. Instead of having a PowerPoint, they created a small-group activity that helped us to learn about ethics in journalism by giving us different cases to discuss and present. In order to do this we used these 10 questions linked here:
Group A used Linda Greenhouse, a journalist who made actions that were debatably unethical as an example of a journalist that is not acting independently. They said that, “journalists can’t be isolated, but can’t be completely involved either.” I found an article telling both sides of the Linda Greenhouse story, and her involvement in both an abortion rally and her speech on Guantanamo Bay. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6146693
Overall, I thought both presentations were both informative and thought-provoking, everything a presentation should be!