Literally the entire world, specifically the American conglomerates that are taking over the trade market and diminishing small companies, and in turn, culture.
Events of Importance:
80 percent of websites use English, yet fewer than one in ten people worldwide speak English.
Profession/Race/Age/Socioeconomic Status:
I believe this was focused at the small business owners all over the world, probably even more heavily to those in impoverished countries.
Could also be aimed at the extremely wealthy conglomerates of America that are taking over the free market and mutilating its purpose.
Issues of Importance:
The "mono" or oneness of the entire world, and the loss of culture across the globe.
Major Fears:
The entire world will become "Americanized" and thus other countries will lose their sense of culture and individuality, which is what makes the world go round:)

I really like this article because i think it is important to realize just how much globalization, however good, can seriously alter the economy.