

Monday, September 19, 2011

News in the Future

I really enjoyed this past week's presentation on the future of news.  I especially liked how they used Prezi for their presentation, as it flowed really well and was visually pleasing.  Here is a link to Prezi: for anyone that doesn't know what Prezi is, or how to create a Prezi presentation.

Everything is shifting to the web, even television and newspapers, and people are becoming skeptic about the existence of newspapers in the future, wondering if they will exist at all. I liked how the group presented a different aspect of this.  They explained how changes in demographics and general lifestyle and family habits are evolving, requiring a high demand for quick information.  News and journalists must start switching to internet connections in order to keep up with the world and the fast-paced mindset of society.  This is not necessarily a bad thing since news and its mediums have always been evolving.  It is just a continuation of the uphill evolution of media. I decided to research some more statistics of the current internet usage in America and also found some information on cell-phone service and text message numbers. I have included an article with some of those statistics.  Here's a link:

I believe that the media and news stations will survive, as long as they strive to stay in connection with the world and the newest technology.  Without journalists, the world will become even more corrupt as we will have no one to bring us reliable information.

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